IT professional Ashok Prasad Abhishek

 Ashok Prasad Abhishek is an IT professional with over 10 years of experience in the industry. He is a highly sought-after expert in the field of software development, web development, and database management. His expertise has been instrumental in helping many organizations to achieve their IT goals. He is passionate about utilizing technology to solve real-world problems and drive business growth. Ashok Prasad Abhishek has worked with several prominent organizations throughout his career and continues to be a valuable asset for any organization that he works for.

Ashok Prasad (Abhishek)

Ashok Prasad (Abhishek) is a multi-talented person who has worked in various fields like IT Services, Share Marketing, Investing, Crypto etc. Before entering the film industry. Ashok Prasad Abhishek started his journey with iEveEra IT in the year 2000, by creating iEveEra Trending and iEveEra Films Company, he started his journey as a film producer, but soon became a director and film financier also
.Ashok Prasad (Abhishek)

When Ashok Prasad (Abhishek) intended to make his first film, the title of the movie is also quite interesting. Yes the name of the movie is "Abhineta se Rajneta". And the interesting fact is that this will be Bhojpuri's first biopic film.

Ashok Prasad (Abhishek)

Ashok Prasad (Abhishek), a resident of Kolkata, did his higher education from London. Ashok Prasad (Abhishek) has amazing experience in IT business and event management and makes full use of all those experiences in his work. This is the reason why Ashok Prasad Abhishek has been honored with the prestigious award for Best IT Services 2022 by the International Human Rights Council.

Ashok Prasad (Abhishek)

He is very excited to receive this honour, he said that it has been a proud moment for me to receive this trophy. It is a pleasure to be conferred with such award after working in IT sector for more than two decades and also inspires to do better work in this field in future.

Ashok Prasad (Abhishek)

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